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Marco Laurenzi on the Combat 13.5 GT two days in a row faster than the best rigid wing!!


Meanwhile, the AEROS Winterrace 2023 is already a few weeks back. After a three-year break, this traditional competition finally took place again in the Slovenian Vipava Valley. Three tasks could be flown, I would like to focus on the last task.

The task over 65 km had started before a threatening weather front and was therefore set somewhat conservatively. However, no one could have imagined that we would fly the task without a circle, and that with the bar on our knees, as hang glider pilots say when flying particularly fast. Because this task had no technical interludes, it was a pure speed run over 65 km, where we could clearly observe the performance differences of the hanggliders. This task was a special experience for me. The Italian Marco Laurenzi, who bought EC 22 Combat 13.5 GT, was unstoppable. He won that task with an average speed of 78.8 km/h, followed by me on the slightly older 2017 Combat 13.5 GT with an average speed of 76.8km/h. All the others after that had lined up below 73.7 km/h. It is remarcable that the rigid wings, which were there for the first time this time and flew exactly the same task, had a record of „only“ 75.4 km/h.

For Aeros, this result was very interesting and encouraging because we saw that our flagship Combat 13.5 GT is performing remarkably well. It was also nice to see how this performance had increased through different generations of combats.

The 2023 model of Combat is currently in the final phase of development and we expect we will improve the performance that the 2022 model demonstrated so impressively at the AEROS Winterrace 2023.

We would like to congratulate the overall winner of AWR 2023, Christian Ciech – es It takes more than just a good wing to win a competition.

Impressive is the performance of Marco Laurenzi, who has been flying the Combat 13.5 GT since this January and has been flying somehow unleashed ever since. With 2 day wins he sent a clear message to his competitors for this season. On both days he flew a higher average speed than the best Rigid!!Our congratulatons!

We are also particularly happy about the good performance of Gerd Dönhuber, who has been flying AEROS again since last year. Our congratulations on the overall 3rd place.

More on this from DHV: https://www.dhv.de/piloteninfos/wettbewerb-sport/drachen-szene/live-reports/winterrace-2023

Results: https://airtribune.com /aeros-winter-race-2023/results

This winter race was also special because the organizers decided, instead of asking AEROS for sponsorship as usual, to donate part of the proceeds from the competition. As is well known, the company AEROS has been working in the war zone in Kiev – Ukraine for a year now.

Anyone who wants to participate in this fundraising campaign is welcome to make a transfer to the following account:

Oleksandr Voronin

Neudorf 24,

15320 Neuhardenberg.

IBAN DE80 1001 0010 0936 6691 36

Subject: Donation

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